
 © Nils Karlson

Jean-Luc Caspers
Jean-Luc Caspers (*1997) is a German artist and curator from Trier, Germany. While he is shooting both analogue and digital, film photography has played a major role in his life. His work is characterized by a conceptual approach and a rethinking of relationships and society. He is fascinated by humans and their stories. As one of the co-founders of the artist collective „Pint Magazine“ and founding member of the PULPXIX Kunstgemeinschaft e.V, he is engaged in community work. Jean-Luc has been assistant to artists like Sebastian Böhm at the European Academy of Fine Arts in Trier for 5 years and works as a freelance photographer and curator since 2021.

Personal Life

Born 1997 in Trier, Germany.

2015-2019 assistant, European Academy of Fine Arts, Trier.

2016 Abitur, Friedrich-Spee-Gymnasium, Trier.

2016-2019 studies in mathematics, University Trier.

Since 2019 studies in art history, University Trier.

2020 winner of the I AM KUNSTPREIS 2021.

Since 2021 Freelance Photographer and Curator

Solo Exhibitions

2021 Behind the Art, KM9, Trier, Germany

Selection of Group Exhibitions

2023 Condensed, Kunsthalle Trier, Germany

2022 Odyssee Heimat, Kulturspektrum, Trier, Germany

2022 Sustainable Aesthetics, Gropius-Zimmer-Pavillon, Trier, Germany

2021 Art of the Break, Stadtbücherei, Trier, Germany

2020 I AM KUNSTPREIS — Nominees, KM9, Trier, Germany

Curated Exhibitions or part of the curatorial team (Selection)

2024 B-Sides, Axel Schneegaß and Cristian Trippel, Feuerbachhaus, Speyer, Germany (Curator)

2023 Condensed, Kunsthalle Trier, Germany (Curator)

2023 IDIDENTITIES. Portraying the Intangible, Kunsthalle Trier, Germany (curatorial team)

2022 Timeless Dreaming, Andreas Jorns and Tom Klein, KM9, Trier, Germany (Curator)

2022 Sustainable Aesthetics, Gropius-Zimmer-Pavillon, Trier, Germany (Curator)

2022 Blick eines Fremden, Hong Kong — Tokyo, KM9, Trier, Germany (Curator)

2022 Bezüge zum Meer, KM9, Trier, Germany (Curator)

Memberships and Functions (Selection)

Since 2024 1. Chairman Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Trier e.V.

Since 2022 VG-Bildkunst

Since 2022 Curatorial Direction PULPXIX Kunstgemeinschaft e.V.

2022 Member of KM9 — Dein Kunstraum Kollektiv

Since 2021 Freelance Curator and Photographer 

2021 Founding Member of PULPXIX Kunstgemeinschaft e.V.

2021 NEGMASTER Talents

2020 Jury Member of Fotowettbewerb „Mein Campus – Meine Universität“, Universität Trier

Since 2020 Member of Fotobus e.V.

Selection of Publications (Artwork, Texts, Talks, Photography, Podcasts, Video)

2024 Clear sunny skies for ten thousand miles (Photo Book)

2024 In Harmonie — über das Innere und Äußere des Menschen, Catalogue Text, Axel Schneegaß

2024 Moderation Directors Talk Kolja Malik, LasVegas, Broadway Trier (Talk)

2023 Moderation Directors Talk Franziska Stünkel, Nahschuss, Broadway Trier (Talk)

2023 Wie kommt eine Ausstellung an ihre Künstler*innen, kwerfeldein (Text)

2023 Who Cares, Kris Martin, König Galerie and Kunsthalle Trier, Catalogue (Photography)

2022 „With Illusion on High Sea“, Transatlantic, Tom Klein, coffee table book (Text)

2022 Zu Anagraphien und Interfaces von Klaus Maßem, Die Angst vor dem tanzenden Tod, Ausstellungskatalog (Text)

2022 Reise durch eine Traumwelt, Lucid Dreams, Andreas Jorns (Text)

2022 Moderation Artist Talk Andreas Jorns, Inseljugend, Universität Trier (Talk)

2022 Israelische Künstler:innen in Deutschland, Kunsthalle Trier, Catalogue (Photography)

2021 Der erste Eindruck, Kwerfeldein (Video) 

2021 Behind the Art, Self Published Catalogue (Artwork)

2020 On Photography, André Duhme (Podcast)